Saturday, October 16, 2010


Harper has discovered how much fun it is to wear big people shoes, particularly Mommy's shoes (and really, can you blame her? Mine are much cooler than Chris's shoes!).  We got a video of her this week walking around in a pair.  And below is a picture of her in my flip flops (with socks of course -- don't worry, we'll make sure that socks and sandals don't become a habit!).  She's been talking more and more now and usually has about 3 new words a day.  One of yesterday's new words was "awesome" much to her Daddy's delight.  Another was "putt putt" -- her word for fart.  Now we just have to work on the "excuse me" part of that equation!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! :)

    Chris, where is your Redskins-Colts pre-game info?? :) I actually asked Mike this earlier today because I was interested in how optimistic you were.

    Love the blog!
