Sunday, January 2, 2011

Shia Labeouf

Kelly just randomly asked, "what kind of name is Shia Labeouf?"  It's a valid point - especially after finding that he was born on the West Coast...of the US (as opposed to...France).  Shia sounds like a pretty solid dog or cat name, but when your last name is Labeouf, there's just not a lot to work with.  I can't think of a single awesome first name that redeems Labeouf.  Anyway, I had never really said "Shia Labeouf" out loud until today, or even considered analyzing it at all (probably because I think he's a good actor, and I enjoy watching him on screen).  Say "Shia Labeouf" out loud three times in a row and see what happens.  I'm not claiming that you'll see fireworks or anything, but it's a good time. 

(Looks like Shia could go for a Mai-Tai!!!)

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