Monday, August 30, 2010

The surest form of flattery

Toddlers love to imitate, and if imitation is the surest form of flattery, well then, our daughter loves us very much.  Some of our recent favorites:
  • Talking on the phone -- "bladada jabab bladadaba" but VERY serious when she does it. And now some "Dadas" thrown in (I'm guessing she's calling Daddy at work).  We also love how the phone is usually backwards, upside down or something.  
  • Harper loves walking up to random doors now, knocking, saying "knock knock" and then (even when the door isn't opened by anyone) she yells "HI!"
  • Harper likes to pack up one of her little purses, walk over to our garage or front door and wave to me and say, "bye, bye."
  • Harper has a little toy car and that gets into, says "beep beep" and then waves to me and says "bye bye!"
  • Harper likes to get a book out, and "read" to herself....some form of language similar to the way she "talks" on the phone.  And yes, typically the book is upside down. :)
  • Harper is starting to "cook" in her play kitchen now.
  • Harper likes to give "pounds" and "high fives" to anyone who is offering, and is starting to be more generous with her hugs and kisses. 
  • Harper likes to push the grocery cart when she can, or the stroller.
  • Harper likes to clean when I clean up, a spill, or whatever it might be (hoping this is a trend that continues!)
  • Whenever we bring food to Harper now, she often says "Hotaaaaaaa" even when it's not hot, and she often blows on it to cool it (even cold strawberries!)
  • Harper likes to "blow" her nose with a tissue, but really she's just making a loud noise and sometimes blowing out her mouth.
  • This week she got a stuffed monkey out, put it in her future brother's crib and said, "night night" to the monkey.
  • She insists on wearing a necklace if I'm wearing a necklace.
  • If I tell Harper we're going bye bye, she gets my shoes for me like I get hers when we go out (often mis-matching, but hey, she's trying).
  • And last but not least, Harper likes to try to wipe me when I go to the bathroom. Instead, I encourage her to flush the toilet!

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