Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cable...we gots it.

Today the Hunt fam celebrates our one year anniversary in our house, which in many ways, seems like we've lived here forever, and yet also seems like just a few weeks.  A few weeks ago we decided that we needed to get a land phone line to make our casa complete, and lo and behold, it turns out that for a nominal fee, we could complete the phone and internet combo by adding the third piece to of the holy trinity of home communication...glorious cable television!

Last winter I installed an antenna on our house, which gave us all of the major broadcast channels (in HD!)...

Unfortunately, with spring came leaves, and so our antenna's line of sight turned from fantasic into this...

We turned from four solid channels to one (thank you FOX), so the move to cable was much appreciated!  This is our second venture into the cable television world since we've been married (we had it for about six months after Harper was born), and I think, while we're excited, we've got some modest expectations.  Getting cable television is like the start of every recent Redskins season - things look great on paper - yet after a few weeks you find yourself watching a rerun of "What Not to Wear" at 2:00 pm on a Saturday afternoon and contemplating the merits of pairing black pants with a brown shirt.  Not pretty.

I'm happy to report that our cable television venture so far has been a success, although I could be slightly biased right now, because Kelly and I are watching "Rambo: First Blood" together on the couch (at the first commercial break, I told Kelly she could change the channel, but she declined, saying that she was sucked Rambo...FIRST...BLOOD!!!).  That, my friends, is cable television money well spent!  Also, note to the state of Oregon...YOU CAN'T CONTAIN JOHN RAMBO!!!  It's a physical impossibility. 

Anyway, cable television is cool, but unfortunately it seems that each time we watch TV, we have to watch the same stupid Olive Garden commercial over and over - you know, the one where the guy is amazed at the Never Ending Pasta Bowl like he just found Strega Nona's magic pasta pot (  It wouldn't be such a bad commercial, except for the fact that you're led to believe that this guy and his four friends have discussed nothing but the Never Ending Pasta Bowl for their entire meal (they're talking about it when they order, and then when their plates are cleared, and at that point, I'm unsure if they're capable of conversing about any other topic).  It's like five complete strangers having a first date, but being allowed to talk about nothing but the pasta.

Person 1:  "I love the never ending pasta bowl"
Person 2:  "Me too"
Person 3:  "Me too"
Person 4:  "Me too"
Person 5:  "Me three"
All:  "HAHAHAHAHAHA - that was the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life - we're such good friends now!"

Roll Olive garden logo, and I think we've just created the Fall commercial. 


"I really wish they had spent more money making the food better, rather than buying up all that air time."

This is just not cool, even if these guys are that kid's uncle.

Anyway, right now that's the only negative to us having cable.  Okay, I've got to get back to watching a war-traumatized ex-soldier terrorize a vindictive police department and civilian population.  Nope, can't see any negative to any of this...

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