Monday, September 20, 2010

Tasty enough for a man, PH balanced for a woman...

About two weeks ago I was sitting in Chicago, waiting to catch a flight to Omaha, and was feeling hungry.  I quickly downed the granola bar I had, and thought I had packed a second, but in fact, had packed a Luna Bar - you know, the whole grain nutrition bar for women.  The seating around the gate was getting more and more crowded, so it was decision time - eat the Luna, or purchase a more manly option, such as...anything else that could even remotely be considered as food.  Yet I ate the Luna, and loved it, because Luna bars are just that good, which is kind of a shame (if they only made chocolate pecan pie Clif Bars, none of this woud ever have happened).  It's not like these things are dipped in a chocolate estrogen coating...right?

Who's up for some yoga under the stars?...apparently me.

1 comment:

  1. A real quote from Yahoo Answers:

    "I was eating a luna bar for lunch today and my friend said that they have estrogen in them and they will make my boobs bigger?! I don't really believe that they would put estrogen in bars or if it is even possible? If not, why do they say "a nutrition bar for women?"

    You are not alone, Chris. In fact, you are in good company.
