Sunday, September 26, 2010

Strange Pregnancy Desires

I'm not going to address my husband's pathetic Redskins-Rams predictions from the previous post. Instead, I'm blogging about girly stuff. This pregnancy has been on the whole, easier than my pregnancy with Harper.  [Side note: that assertion will be tested this Friday when I go for my three hour glucose test after failing the one hour test last week.  If I have gestational diabetes, I'm sure that my perspective on this pregnancy might change.] Unlike my last pregnancy, "morning" sickness actually ended with my first trimester, I am not grossed out by any and every meat product, and while I have heartburn it isn't nearly as bad. However, with this pregnancy, my hormones have manifested themselves in other ways.  For example, during the first trimester, I almost got us a kitten.  I couldn't stop thinking about getting one even though we already have one cat, and for now, one is really enough. That desire eventually faded, and then the last month I keep thinking about getting a puppy.  Totally irrational with a toddler I can barely keep track of and a baby on the way. Fortunately my brain is overriding the desire for more pets!  My "nesting" instinct is in full force and I've been on a rampage to get our family room finally decorated (I think the addition of cable and my obsession with HGTV have also contributed to that one).  And most recently, I've had the odd desire to die my hair.

Now, some hair care background. My last haircut was at Hair Cuttery and I have never died my hair in my life.  First, at the salon it's extremely expensive.  Second, it seems like once you start dying your hair, then you just can't stop because then you have roots that you have to cover, and it is just one endless expensive cycle.  And third, well, I've just never really desired to.  Pregnancy has changed all that.  After thinking about it, I decided maybe I could try dying my hair with one of those do-it-yourself kits that wash out after a month. I figured, hey, one month of hair dye, even if it's awful, will only be one month.  After spending time at the computerized color metering machine at Target (how cool is that?), I picked a color, and spent a whopping $6.67 on Garnier Nutrise Number 80, medium natural blond.

So tonight was the night. The hair dye instructions said to use the special tool to part your hair into sections and apply the color cream liberally from the roots out.  Sounds easy enough until I started trying to do it.  And I start to wonder, what if I miss some spots in the back?  Am I going to have huge spots that are somewhat more blond than others?  And then I realize the instructions say after applying, let it sit on your hair for 10 minutes, but be careful not to let it sit on your hair longer than that.  Well, I start to panic a bit, because does this mean from the time I started, or from the time I finish applying, and again, does this mean I'm going to have random blonder spots?  At this point there is cream on half my head, so I quickly finished applying the hair color (and the parting tool, I mean really, who can part hair on the back of their head into tiny even sections?).  I wait 10 minutes and pray that I do not look like a bleached patchy blond at the end of this process.  I rinse my hair, apply the special "nourishing" conditioner with bamboo extract (apparently bamboo is harder than steel...hmmm...), rinse again, and hop out of the shower and blow dry my hair anxiously awaiting the results.

And the verdict.  Well, apparently I picked a color a little too close to my hair color.  It looks almost completely the same.  Chris could barely tell, heck I could barely tell, that I had just spent an hour of my life dying my hair. Much ado about nothing!

1 comment:

  1. DONT PUT THAT BOX COLOR ON YOUR HEAD WHILE YOU ARE PREGNANT MISSY! haha all that synthetic material and ammonia cant be good for baby #2.. besides.. its really damaging to your hair and makes it super dry. no bueno. xx kyle k
